The Exorcist – 1973


The Exorcist is still classed as the scariest movie of all time. 
This is extremely debatable but it has held the best record for keeping people awake at night. 

This movie basically started my obsession with the horror genre and I can’t pick out any flaws whatsoever. 

A young girl dabbles with a Ouija board ( although this isn’t highlighted as the main cause of possession ).


Shit gets weird.
She starts moshing like a Lamb of God fan having a seizure on her bed.
Then more weird stuff kicks in.

Different voices overtake her

She starts to become demonic


and downright nasty.

Stabbing herself in her ” area” with a crucifix has to be a highlight in this movie.

It will make anybody shudder.



Her mother decides to ignore all medical advice and goes to a priest for help. 

The priest examines the possessed child and deems it to be an extreme practical joke of some sort. 

I personally thought her was a tool.
I mean what kid would fucking stab herself in the moo for attention?

Also the priest is having major difficulties at home with his mum passing away and stuff so his life is a little bit pissed up the wall.


After a view visits the priest decides and exorcism is in order.

I wont give much away

It’s a pretty amazing film though

Definitely not for the faint hearted

or the religious

Did you know that quite a few religious characters committed suicide after watching this movie?


A movie that caused people to kill themselves,

Surely anybody who has a sick enough mind like me would think THAT is a Perfect reason to watch it.

The exorcism goes dodgy anyway

people die

Things get said

people get angry

Horrifying faces are seen

and I mean horrifying

Like I had nightmares about that face for about a week.

Creepy shit or what?

Oh yeah


This movie was based on a REAL LIFE STORY ?!?!?!

Yes folks.

This fucking thing


in real god damn life.

Obviously it’s exaggerated for theatrical purposes.

That’s besides the point

Don’t fuck around with a Ouija board.

Unless you want a crucifix to the genitals.


I’ll give it a 4/5 rating because I still think it could have been produced slightly better but hey that’s just my opinion.



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